Thursday, October 25, 2007


"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Heb 13:8

And this is what God continually shows me. As much as I may beat my self up and think, "why would God love me today, I've done nothing to deserve it," He proves to me that, He is the same yesterday and today and forever, regardless of my actions.

Lately God has been showing this to me through His faithfulness. Always coming through, always standing right there, always teaching, yet always ready to just listen. He just continually blows my boxes out of the water. Boxes that I put Him in, boxes that I put others in, and boxes that I put myself in.

God is just so faithful. Every time I get to the end of myself, there He is, just waiting, ready to pick me up and carry me the rest of the way. If only I would stop getting down out of my fathers arms and trying to walk out in front, instead of just holding His hand, walking with Him, ready for Him to pick me up when I realize, once again, that my strength can't get me through.

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, He was, is, and will be my rock. He is where I place my trust.

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